Tuesday, December 11, 2012

So CUTE,Makes me cry everytime!

So by the title says this vid on youtube.com made me cry! it was so sweet.It was a lil todler boy singing a song called cuppy cake! ill post the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Ysqh1uzqGrc  if you have a Youtube account and your a fan you me please dont post a harsh comment to the sweet lil boyThe boy's name is sam and someone told me he has some sort of disorter my brother says that's what the website so anyway if ya have a youtube account send a nice sweet comment to the vid

Friday, December 7, 2012

Blahhhhh :S

So i'm just bourd  and stuff like nothing cool is going on in my life,But.. Christmas is coming up so  i hope to get the following

A Blue Razor Scotor
A Sims game
I <3 Books!
I have read all the books in my house twice!

I LOVE LOVE! The percy jackson serise and Heros of Olmypus!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Music Craze!:) LOL


         So i was listening to Smile By~ Avril Lavigne She is awesome,I really don't give a Crap that she curses in most of her songs but not all,Face it we all are going to curse when we get older enless you become a nun or somthin.So while i was listening to it i ot the message like the vid was showing as she collected the glass(in the end it shapes like a heart) it was like bringing back the hope into the peoples faces in the music vid.It was really AWESOME! i love all of her songs!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

                       Hi! so i'm candybubblegum and this is my new blog! as you see this is just gonna be random posts about what ever i feel like! so I'm on www.winxclub.com and just typing and chatting with peoples around the  and ya so i'm pretty bored and soon the site's gonna be more cool and amazing TTYL!